Ok i hav 2 things 2 tell today.. the first really stressing me out n the second really makes my heart flutter *sigh*

ok first things first. Remember Muid? My first bf? Yeah, well, he wants to get back together with me. Of course i said no. But guys can be really persistent. Did you know that? I didn't. Anywho, he told me to be his girlfriend for a short time only. I was like "WHAT??" Well i didn't say that to him lol so anyway of course i kept saying no. Finally he got the message that i seriously didn't have any feelings for him. Thank goodness!

Ok, NEXT!! There was a book fair at the icc.. Today is the last day. So anyway, i didn't really find any good books at good prices.. But i did find a lot of good deals at the computer shops. I know, computer shops at a book fair. Go figure. Anyway, i got a 2GB pendrive at this shop n guess what?? *giggles excitedly* *rolls eyes at self* THERE WAS THIS REALLY REALLY CUTE GUY!!! OMG!!! He was like perfect! He was cute, he seemed serious AND cute, my cousin Irah said he seemed to read books (obviously an important factor!!), he's 2 years my senior (meaning he's older than me and probably more mature than hamzi) AND HE'S CUTE!!! So turns out my friend knows his little brother or sister so she was able to give me his email. I added his friendster but i can't add his msn yet cause he'll wonder where i got his email. If he accepts me on friendster first, I'll be able to tell him i got his email from his friendster =P Good plan, right? Haha! I know! God, I'm so pitiful... And desperate.. Anyway, I don't care. He's FREAKING CUTE!! He just kept smiling at me and all.. Oh my god... I just melt under his gaze... Oh! Oh! And.. And our hands sort of touched (by accident, of course!) and i could have fainted. *sigh* Oh my god! I've never been like this before! Well, at least as far as i can remember, anyway.

P.S. I know I like totally deleted the Kuingin Kamu video and lyrics.. So what...


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