Thursday, 10 April 2008

Ok, I was gonna post yesterday but the internet went all crappy just a few seconds before I could click publish... =.=” I wasn’t able to post today either because, again, the internet connection went crappy on me and died. Anyway, I’ll just have to retype it… Grrr…
So Monday, I said I was gonna forget him. (Chong Chong Ling Ling, in case you didn’t guess). I was totally resolved to keep my promise the next morning. However, circumstance wasn’t exactly on my side. We had sociology first period. Out of habit, when we left the class, I looked out for him. He wasn’t anywhere to be seen. I didn’t care. After all, I was supposed to forget him. Ziqah and I went to the admin building as usual. Ziqah immediately spotted Bahar in front of the library and started badmouthing him. I put my bag on the bench and joined her. Instead of Bahar, what I saw was even more horrible. I saw HIM!! :’( So, it went like this:

Me: Ia kh 2? Ia kh 2? OMG! Ia! Ziqah! Laju! Kantin! *tugs on Ziqah’s sleeve*
Ziqah: Spa kn Mal? Spa kn?
Me: -.- Chong Chong Ling Ling wa!
Ziqah: Ahh… Mana? Mana? Aku na nampak pun. *looks in completely wrong direction*
Me: Tu! Tu! Laju wa! Lari! *tugs harder on Ziqah’s sleeve*
Ziqah: Mana kan Mal eh?!
Me: *finally manages to drag Ziqah in direction of kantin* Blakang tane wa!!
So Ziqah turns around at perhaps the exact same moment Chong Chong Ling Ling notices us.

Ok, first encounter done and over with. I drank iced teh tarik and later wished I hadn’t cause I developed a stomachache as a result. So during break, with plenty of time to spare, I had Irh accompany me to the toilet. We passed by the geography classes. I forgot what we were talking about. It just so happens that I turned to Irah near the class that had the blinds up. I glimpsed inside and again, THERE HE WAS!! @_@’ Right by the window, sort of facing us. I have no idea if he even noticed us though. So, the very day I planned to forget him, I found out the location of his geography class… -.-‘ So not helping…

Then we got to the toilet but I changed my mind, having realized that my stomachache had evaporated. So we went back. We had just turned into the admin building and I think I was b*tching on someone but I forgot who. I knew there were some guys behind us but I figured they were irrelevant in my life so they might as well see my true nature. Lol. I turned to Irah, exclaiming in a totally loud, obnoxious annoying voice, “S.O.B. jua tu Rah!” I sorta glanced behind us and for the third time, HE WAS THERE!!!! Like, as in, right behind us… I couldn’t believe it!! How embarrassing!! Thank god I wasn’t talking about HIM!! I quickly strode over to where Tiah and Ziqah were and started whining.

So you see why I can’t forget him just like that. Then again, I didn’t see him AT ALL all day yesterday. What’s that about?

Today, I feel that I really should forget about him. I saw him with who I can only suppose to be his girlfriend… She was sort of fixing his hair or something… I am so envious… =( But, after all, she IS most likely his girlfriend, so why not right? I mean… It’s not like I could ever do something like that to him… I mean, I guess I don’t mind playing with their hair… Lol. But that’s about it…

Ok, I guess I should change the subject… I switched Quran to Traditional Dance today. It was pretty cool, actually. It was just me and Irh though… I couldn’t convince Ziqah to join… Too bad. I know she would have flourished. Anyway, they taught the two of us some basic movements. They’re called Joget and the other one is Inang, I think. They’re pretty hard if you’re not used to them. I hope I’ll get the hang of ‘em soon. Our next meeting is on Monday. Hope it’ll be a bit easier…

Oh yeah, I think we’re getting on a boat or something tomorrow. Not sure yet so I can’t be too excited… XP Plus, I’m hoping I get a chance sometime tomorrow to look for Readers’ Haven or Reader’s Heaven or something like that. Lol…It’s a bookstore (obviously!). I’ve been pretty excited to go there… My classmate, Aidah, said it’s cheaper than Best Eastern and they don’t charge you if they order a book for you… How awesome is that?? I wanna go! I wanna go! @_@ Hehehe…

Anyway, I’m actually a bit sleepy but I sort of feel like it’s too early to go to sleep… So maybe I’ll play a game or something…


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