Currently listening to - No Ordinary Love by Jennifer Love Hewitt

Current location - Urm.. Sorta dining room I guess.. =)

Current activities - Watching videos on YouTube, checking myYearbookr, blogging obviously, playing dress up games on y8, playing Kings of Chaos, trying to figure out if the poem I just wrote is okay (I'll post it later if I remember to), watching Desperate Housewives

This past week has been so awesome so far...

I already told you about CCLL on the first day of school in my last post.. x) What I forgot to input was that I also saw both History and Hot guy. Si Hot begunting rambut masa cuti... Just like me!

On Tuesday, Jiqah was so mean!!! We'd planned to spend lunchtime in class because we hoped to at do at least part of our holiday homework assignment.. XP Which we didn't... Anyway... It just so happened that Ms. Salwa was absent because she had to spend time at the hospital all that day and the next because her mother was sick.. Kesian teacher... Well.. Yeah.. So... I left class 10 minutes before lunch and went to wait outside History class.. Where I had a great view of History guy... :D Lol... Does that count as stalking? I'm just watching.. I didn't tell him to be in that class... Anyway... Then Jiqah came and we waited for them to leave.. We were waiting by the back door as usual. But then Jiqah got impatient so we went in through the front.. There were only a few AEs left.. INCLUDING HISTORY GUY!!! Talk about awesome... They were standing around at our desks... =P So obviously we couldn't go there.. So Jiqah and I waited around the guys' tables. Then Jiqah wanted to go to the toilet.. She actually already went out the door... Leaving me in the presence of a group of boys, one of which I happened to like... Evil~~~ She was just bullying me actually... She went back in and dragged me out after History guy left a minute later... ;P

Rabu cali banar awh!! I saw History guy again but not at History class obviously... Since we had History first thing in the morning. We actually saw him at noon.. So awesome... He was near the library when we first saw him. Jiqah was so crazy... Hahhaha... No offence... Anyway.. I asked Jiqah to accompany me to my locker.. But we stopped when we reached the ECA notice board by the admin building because History guy was a small distance behind it XD But I didn't know he was there at first. I didn't know where he was. Then Jiqah told me to look behind her and I thought she was talking about History guy so I looked and he wasn't there but Jiqah was acting all weird and she started to motion with her face for me to look behind me and I turned but my brain was processing really slowly and it took me a while to realize that I was staring at Nike's back. =D Lol... So Jiqah waited until he turned right past the admin building. History guy had also gone in the same direction, except he went behind the building.. So Jiqah dragged me and we practically ran part of the way to the side of the admin building lol... Something like the following:

So again, I didn't have Literature in the afternoon since Ms. Salwa was still at the hospital with her mum. Tapinya inda ku bagitau uncle suruh ambil aku awal. x) After I went to my locker (Jiqah already went home), I went down to the stairs by the admin building where Jiqah and I crossed paths with History guy in the above diagram. There's an ECA bulletin board there as well so I stopped there in the pretense of looking at the few notices pinned up. I was actually waiting for History guy to come back up from the canteen lol... XD What?? I was bored... So I read some of the notices and then Jun-Jun came and started talking to me. Then History guy went past behind us!! Jun-Jun!! Talk about bad timing!! Lol... I just watched his reflection... Sigh.. So cute ma... So After he passed by us, Jun-Jun excused himself as well. I would've followed History guy (he went behind the admin building again) if Jun-Jun hadn't gone the exact same way!!! :O I was afraid he would look back and see me and start talking to me again when all I wanted was to see History guy.. I mean, seriously.. Dude.. You're my friend and all... But friends shouldn't stand in the way of true love.. Ya know? Apakn!!! Krek kli aku ni... Hahhaha...

So I spent the hour reading.. I saw History guy when he was supposed to be in class so I was surprised because he doesn't really look like the type of guy to skip class.. =) So I "went to the toilet" and walked by his class and it was empty.. And I'm like "Ohh.. Okay.. He doesn't have class.." As if it was any of my business!! So I went back down and read some more. Maybe about ten minutes later, I heard a teacher's voice and a bunch of guy voices and for some reason, I looked up. Guess what? He was one of them!! :P They were on the road in front of me! God!! Heaven on a silver platter... The teacher asked them to help her (yes, it was a her.. And a young her, too) carry some things from her car. He is so damn cute!!! He looked to be on really good terms with the teacher as well.. So I heard his voice from where I was.. *sigh*...

At 2, Tiah and Bazilah (kaka c-Jiqah) went down from Socio class. It was raining by then. ;P So Tiah walked me to the back behind the auditorium, which is where I usually wait for the car. It was raining (It had rained the night before and it had rained in the morning as well...) and we had to keep to one side because the other side was wet. We stood around and waited. Bit the wind pushed the water to our side until the whole sidewalk was wet and our kains got wet and our shoes and socks got wet.. XP It would have been fun if we weren't carrying my bookbag and file... So I texted uncle to pick me up at the front and we walked back. By the time we reached the audi though, the rain was already very much less heavier than it had been a couple of minutes ago. Oh well... So I went home. By 2.30, I'd reached my room and I got a text from Tiah. x) Guess what? Smile came to school!!! OMG!! And he walked right in front of Tiah!! And he was wearing a green T-shirt!! Ok.. I'm gonna stop using exclamation marks now... Lol...

Yesterday was just as great. So we had Literature and did the poem recital thingy... Lpas a2 History!!! We got out a few minutes early. Guess how we got that.. It was still 8.40. We're supposed to go out at 8.45. But the class next door already went out so Ms. Salwa asked the boys what time it was on their watches in case her watch was slow and they all said 8.44 so she let us out XD They're so mean... So anyway, I reached History class and there were only me, Syaumiqah and Aidah. I watched History guy, obviously... Lol... But soon only a handful of people were left... Including three guys... Including History guy... The problem was this:

I don't know if you can read that.. Lol... In words, yang tiga urang tu History guy and kawannya 2 urang. =) One of his friends was in my place. The other guy in front of him and History guy at the third marked place. Syaumiqah, oblivious to my problem, asked if we could go inside so I had to say yes so she went inside and I had to follow because she might wonder why if I didn't. So I went in and stopped at the point by the guys' area.. Actually, that's an error. I should've written guys' tables. =P Whatever.. I stopped for a minute.. Not sure what to do... I decided to go and wait by my table, where i marked with "Me". The guy in my seat had his back to me and History guy completely ignored me, conversing with the other guy. The other guy sort of stared at me, probably wondering what the hell I was doing just standing there looking all meek and timid, stealing glances at them (mostly at History guy obviously :D). Finally they moved towards the door and I could put my bag and file down. But I kept standing and stared at History's back.. I know.. What's wrong with me... Lol... But then History guy stopped outside the door. I don't know what he was doing. He was talking with his friends. I just kept watching.. Then he looked inside the classroom for a long moment. XP At the time I had no idea what he was looking at.. I was perfectly oblivious to it.. But then Jiqah came and I grinned at her and she's like "What are you smiling for?" in a real loud voice but luckily History guy had already gone. Then Jiqah said that History guy was looking at me and she saw that I had been looking outside and she thought that was really funny because we were actually looking at each other. ;P I DID NOT notice!!! How could I have not noticed?? I mean.. He's just so cute.. But that I didn't even realize that he was looking at me??? How utterly, completely oblivious I am.. *sigh*...

At 9.30, I had to leave to take a class photo. Sikit gi aku lupa wawawa... So we took two formal photos and one not formal photo. I forgot to think about what pose I should take prior to this so I made a typical peace sign. =.= Boring!! Nisa said she made a blank face because she had no idea what to do lol...

Then Nisa and I went to our respective classes since it was 5 minutes to 10.00... But Irah and Jiqah weren't in class so I went back down to look for them and there they were lol... Pastu aku ma Irah kdapan library tapi lupa ku knapa ahahha XD Then we turned back and guess what?? CCLL went past us!! I hadn't seen him for two whole days and then there he was.. *sigh* Still as cute as ever... >_<

He'd been skipping ASL since before the holidays so when Irah said he actually came yesterday, I'm like "Seriously? O_O" Lol... And cikgunya, Mr. Holland, the one who became our guide for the Berambang trip, said something to the lines of, "You almost gave me a heart attack." =D I'm not surprised since before the holidays, every time Mr. Holland saw him, he'd ask if he's gonna come to class and he says yes but he never does... He also went to Geo class.. Actually, he probably went to all his classes but I can't be sure.. He's so cute... *sigh*...


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