I can't act X_x

Today, we had to act the last scene of "A View From The Bridge" by Arthur Miller for Lit. class. Kami kana bagi tiga groups with seven people in each and we had to act out the same scene. Whichever group has the best production gets a prize (whatever that may be).

So my group consists of Farah, Fawzul, Fiqah, Khatijah, me, Nabilah sama Vernon. Note that I listed us out alphabetically. I'm such a complete dork =D

The characters were as follows (again, characters are alphabetical):

Alfieri (the lawyer/narrator) - Nabilah
Beatrice (the wife) - Fiqah
Catherine (the niece) - me
Eddie (the main character) - Farah
Louis (the main character's friend) - Khatijah
Marco (the wife's distant cousin) - Fawzul
Rodolpho (the wife's distant cousin's brother ;p) - Vernon

The details of the plot, if you've never heard of the play, ada di

All three groups got to perform their piece today. It was pretty funny. We couldn't stop laughing. Group pertama, no offence, but they were a bit lacking in emotions.

The second group was my group.. I seriously couldn't stop laughing for some reason.. Inda cali pun.. Like, the scene is where Eddie gets killed!! What's funny about that?? But I just couldn't stop laughing. For every single line, except for my first line, I was laughing. Kinda ruined our production, I think. I laughed so much there were tears in my eyes. How embarrassing~ We were so good when we practised.. Darn it.. I was supposed to make the knife but I forgot.. I only remembered right when I was planning to sleep last night so I just drew on a hasty knife-shape on a box of chocolates and cut it out.. It was not bad actually. It was all shiny on one side so it might have passed off as a pretty good prop.. But then, I lost it somewhere in school or in the car so I found a long ruler in my history class that we used.. Hahaha skati ku ganya ngambil a.

Fiqah actually has a sore throat but she was pretty awesome. At least, ia inda ketawa.. Farah was pretty cool as Eddie. With her expressions and everything. And Vernon can make a pretty decent 'serious' character... But I just had to ruin everything by laughing the whole time.

The third group was not bad.. Muni is a pretty good 'male' character... Tapi I think their version of the scene was the funniest.. Because they kept forgetting where they were and everything. Hahahah how can I not laugh?? I mean, I laughed at my group's acting, why not theirs right??

I hope Nabilah puts the videos (she recorded all three versions) ke dalam computernya so that I can take our group's. I wanna post it on Youtube and then post it here so you all can see. :)


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