I really thought today was gonna be another one-in-a-million crappy day but it turned out to be not too bad.

What sucks is that I developed a cold. The weird thing is that I've been coughing a lot since before our trip to Thailand which was like 3 months ago. I'd been sneezing more often since I reached the summit of the mountain-hill at Berambang Island. It just got worse last night and this morning I had a slight fever. I'd been sniffling since last night.. x(

Anyway, I really believed it was gonna be crappy today because we got off to a bad start. Sykrah had to be at ugama school by 7.30. Well, guess what, babe. So do I. We went at 7 but this time, despite traffic jams and whatnot, we actually managed to get to school on time. Cool, aye? Nisa went out early though since she had the history trip today.

I was real scared about History class since I hadn't made a dent on my homework. I was too busy finishing the Socio essay last night. So we went to class (I saw Hot on the way :] ) and Mrs. Izan got real mad when Ilyas told her he 'forgot' his work. Yea.. Like that's actually gonna work.. Then Mrs. Izan began asking everyone the answers to the questions and I was like writing down the answers to the questions we haven't reached yet just in case I got one of those. Guess what? Langsung nada kana sabut namaku.. -.- Seriously man.. I could've just chilled out and not cared... Aish..
Then for Socio, we didn't do anything interesting. Except Sir used Azizi for another example. Poor kid.. Always the test-dummy... Lol.. Ziqah left 15 minutes early for her class photo.
During break, we went to pick up Ziqah at the auditorium. Well, we stopped in front of the food stall and waited for her. You know what? Rupanya wa.. Ada c-History!! I did not notice at all!! I only knew when Ziqah told me earlier.. And she was adamant that he had been looking at me again.. So anyway we turned to go back. You know, I was totally not expecting to see CCLL today since he had the trip and all.. And yep.. You guessed it.. I saw him!! :D We had just turned around and I looked at the library exit and THERE HE WAS!!! Omg... So cute man!!! Hmmmnnnhh... I was so shocked.. I could have had a heart attack right there and then and it'd be because of him.. Oh well.. At least I saw him before... Ok.. Not gonna get all dramatic about it.. But seriously.. I was real shocked at the sight of him...
On the way back, we met Mutiah who was looking for us. Ziqah and Irah went on so I accompanied Tiah to buy a drink. When we came back, Ziqah had walked Irah to class so I hung out with Tiah. Then I saw Hot and got all excited. Then his two friends were in front of him and Tiah said, "Eh! Tu! Aku suka!" And I'm like, where?? And she pointed to Hot's friend, the one w/ glasses, not the one w/ the songkok who Ziqah and I say is prasan ;) At first, I didn't recognize him. But since he was walking in front of Hot Guy and next to Songkok, I'm like, "Eh.. Bukan kawan c-Hot kah 2?" And Tiah got all wide-eyed and demanded to know the truth.. I told her I thought so but I'd ask Ziqah. Then Ziqah came back and we walked Tiah to class.
Later on, Ziqah and I went to the canteen. Absolutely no cute guy man.. =.= Then we went to the library because I had to print out my Socio essay (which I forgot to hand in by the way... Aish..) and I saw Hot, the back of his head anyway.. Then I took my time printing and then I sat down where CL2 had sat a few weeks ago when he took out his phone *sigh*.. Darn it.. I forgot to enjoy it.. hahaha... Then Tiah's glasses-boy came and sat directly across from us. hahaha we started talking about him right in front of him wawawa... Then when we went out, I looked to my right and saw Hot Guy at the bag shelves!! =P hahaha like i immediately wore a big grin on my face while Ziqah used her arm to cover her mouth.
During EAS, we had to rewrite the extract we wrote a commentary on. The passage is from Roald Dahl's book, "Boy". It was a paragraph describing Mrs. Pratchett, whoever she was. Our task was to write a paragraph about a person who is the complete opposite of Mrs. Pratchett using Dahl's style of writing. I might've done a better job doing it myself but Miss Nurul wanted us to do it in groups. Oh yeah.. Sri said Azizi is "handsome" and I'm like what?? He's evil man!! Oh well.. To each her own..
For E.Lit, we watched a movie, The Other Boleyn Girl. It's about Queen Elizabeth's mother, Anne Boleyn and her sister, Mary Boleyn and King Henry Richard. It was real tragic. I had to watch women give birth THREE times throughout the movie, avert my eyes during the uncensored scenes twice and covered my eyes when people got executed, which was also twice. Man... That was horrible.. Can't believe Ms. Salwa showed it to us.. -.-' It was okay though..


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