Socio exam paper 1

Argh!! So hard ma~

I don't remember if I mentioned this already but we're facing our end-of-year exams now. Today was the Sociology Paper 1 exam as mentioned above. It shouldn't have been hard at all...

I had since Wednesday to study, plenty of time.
Also, I knew what topics to study.

Section A
= Conformity/Social order/Socialisation

Section B
= Questionnaires&participant observation

Section C
= Poverty

Therefore, combined with the amount of time actually available to me, it should have been a piece of cake. But guess what?! Foolishly, I waited until the last minute to begin my revision.. Even then, I was fooling around..

I chose the questions on Conformity/Social order/Socialisation and Poverty.


I finished the question on Poverty but I forgot to add in some things and I didn't have time to put them in so I won't get a lot of marks. I also couldn't explain everything because I was worried about having enough time to finish both essays.

I didn't have time to finish the other question because I was too busy trying to remember anything about it.. If I'd studied earlier, I would've been confronted with almost exactly the same question that I had discussed with Sir Mirul during one of our extra classes.

Argh!! All my own damn fault!! Stupid, stupid Amal...

Guess what? I have another exam tomorrow, EAS exam.. You have to write a commentary on a passage and then write a paragraph using a similar style as the author of the passage. It's really hard.. I'm not so good at it.. But you know? I'm not studying. Instead, I'm blogging. Typical me.

By the way, I just love Super Junior's song Don't Don, especially Henry's violin part ^^ So hot ma~


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