A Tribute To My Sister ;p

FYI, my sister, ka CT, stat baca blogku ani =P so she asked me to write some nice things about her occasionally lol... So here it is.

Previously, I've been having problems with my laptop. You know, the whole virus thing. So although the laptop was connected to the internet, I couldn't use it.. Which sucked.. Considering 75% of my computer activities involves the internet.. Okay, maybe 85%. Manasaja cia~

Lama plang dah catu... How long, I don't remember... It could have been a month or three, for all I know, or care. Eventually, I guess ka CT got a bit exasperated with it.. Since I've been delaying taking it to the shop to be repaired..

So she took matters into her own hands and tried to fix it.. Ia tejumpa PUNCA SEGALA MASALAH ahha i.e. online and downloaded games. She MANUALLY downloaded or installed or whatever the virus scanning thing for THREE WHOLE HOURS.

She installed it to my Internet Explorer so that whatever website I wanna go to, I can check its safety by using Google. Kinda hard for me to explain.. I'm no good at that sort of thing. Tapi cool jua la ahha

Now I just need a reminder to ask her about the YouTube downloader thingy where she said I could safely download songs. Also, I need to remind myself to delete everything I don't use. Gambar-gambar, videos, songs and whatnot..


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