Family picnic on 14/12

Ugh.. I get a headache thinking of how we finally decided which beach to go to... Inda betantu... Sekajap pantai ani, sekajap pantai atu... Now I don't even remember which beach we went to... xP Bungsu and us were the first ones to get there.
Waiting around for everyone else
Bored jua udah tu...

Finally, tua came! We were very happy cause they brought FOOD!!

Payah-payah kan parking

No, not a good spot.. Change!

Meriah jua sedikit..

Tua brought a bike! Bungsu brought a mini-motor! Talk about awesome! For everyone else, I mean.. Aku inda plang

Bisai seluarnya a

Lonely jua~

Later, we got bored so Frah, Syiqah & I went to see the bunnies on sale

The bunny got loose and Syiqah picked it up @_@'

Bunnies galore
Then, we went back

We had fun.. We got ice cream. We saw bunnies. Syafiq killed crabs. Everyone rode the motorbike. Etc...
*End of Post*


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