Tagged by my twin

What's the relationship of you with him/her?
Erm she's my stalker? ;P

5 impressions towards him/her?
1. well i dont actually know her but she's kinda weird stalking me haha
2. she's determined, as in she did a lot to find out things about me
3. she seems vain psal byk gmbrny haha sma th mcam aku 2
4. erm... she seems to be 24 hours online :P
5. she's honest, ngakun jua ia stalking aku ahahha

The most memorable thing that she/he said to you?
she said she has guy stalkers haha i only got her ;p

The most memorable thing that she/he have done to you?
erm well not to me exactly but its about me. ia bekarih mncari gmbr ku arh be2 ;p

If she/he becomes your lover, you will...
erm thats kinda weird.. i dont wanna think about it xD

If she/he becomes your enemy, you will...
erm feel sad la.. i dun like having enemies

If she/he becomes your love, she/he has to improve on...
still kinda weird.. kn jwp pun, i dunno her that well so i dont know

If she/he becomes your enemy, the reason is?
maybe she doesnt like having a clone x?

The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
take a picture side by side n show it to people haha

The overall impression on him/her is?
she's ok hhehe but like i said, alum knal bnar bh

How do you think people around you feel about you?
maybe im annoying? like i tend to make lame jokes without even realizing it.. =)

The character of you about yourself is?
lazy bum

On contrary, the character of yourself you hate is?
lazy bum n i can be selfish sometimes

The most ideal person you wanna be is?
someone who can make other people happy :)

For the people who care about you and likes you, say something about them.
aww thats sweet but i think u like the wrong person haha

10 people you tag.
1. Buzz
2. Buttercup
3. Manager
4. Fish
5. Harith
6. Mas
7. Bazli
8. Aidah
9. Wanna
10. Nab

Who is No.2 having relationship with?
oh she's single hahaha that's a funny question for some reason ;D

No.3 is a female or male?
female ^_^

If No.7 and No.10 were together, would it be a good thing?
erm i dunno... it seems like a weird couple somehow :D

How about No.5 and No.8?
haha yea only in my dreams

What is No.1 studying about?
the same subjects as me!

Is No.4 single?
erm actually nda ku tau O_o ahha although i think aku prnah tnya ia plg
if i had to guess, id say she's single plg

Say something about No.6.
erm whats to say about c-Mas a... na tau haha when i skip EAS, I hang out with her ;p


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