Before I go...

I'm really starting to enjoy writing in this blog again.. :D

Anyway, I'm going to KL this afternoon.. The flight is at 3 and we're going to the airport at 1.

The reason we're going there is because we're sending my brother off to study at MMU... I'm so envious~

The funny thing is that he doesn't really wanna go... I wanna go... I guess we don't all get what we want.. Lol..

So we're all going except for my oldest sister, my youngest sister and my grandmother... I'm sorry, Syakirah.. For leaving you with them. :\

She came to my room before she went to school a few minutes ago... She had tears in her eyes. She's so gonna miss our brother... As will I... We're both really sad about losing him :(

I'm kind of annoyed, to tell the truth, when urang bekirim barang arah aku... Cause I'm not going there for a holiday. This will a bit of an emotional trip for me because of a few reasons.

My brother and I went out tadi on a few errands. Abang was so emo tadi lol. He's really gonna miss a lot of things. And a lot of things are gonna miss him back. (List includes people.)

Well, lunch is over... It's a quarter past 12.. We're leaving at 1. So I should pack up the last of my stuff and get ready. Bye. :P


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