Bored Out Of My Mind

You might say I'm not grateful for the break.

You'd be wrong. I'm happy to get a break from school...

But.. six months? Six whole months? Of nothing to do? Of having no obligations?

For six whole months, there has hardly been a break from the monotous existence of Krae A. Fitr...

There was, of course, the volunteer work at PE. But after a while, even there I became lifeless. The place became more of a hangout pad outside of home.

I have gone out several times, but not very often.. At most, I'd go out to pick up my sister from school... I don't really consider that as going out, though. I'm not often allowed to go out..

I need a reason to go out, unless I'm out with one of my older siblings. I'm not doing ANYTHING here. I am bored of being in the TV room where other people have control over which channels to watch.. I'm bored of sitting around and staring at the TV and I've run out of books to read..

I'm left alone to wallow in the misery that often accompanies a significant period of time spent in boredom.

Yes, people. I am miserable. I am cranky. I am super lazy. And, more than that, I. Am. BORED..

I don't even have anything to blog about anymore. Look at the topic of this entry. I'm blogging about BEING BORED!! That.. is how bored I am.

Here's an image of what I'm doing exactly right now:

Sitting in the TV room. The TV is off... There is no one about.. If anyone entered the room, they would hear only the tapping of my fingers on the keyboard and the background noise of the air-conditioner... I am now typing this blog entry with all the relish of someone who literally has nothing better to do... In another tab of this same window in which I type, is a dress up game waiting to be played.. Yes, I am currently playing a dress up game. Before that, I was playing an online tetris game. My earpiece is plugged into my ears and music is playing, currently I am listening to Away From The Sun by 3 Doors Down..

Oh. My. God..

I'm getting desperate, aren't I?..

I don't even wanna stop writing in this entry because it would mean that I would have to find something else to do other than dressing up naked dolls online.

Lol... That was funny. At least, to me it is.

I'll stop now before you actually start to feel sorry for me.

Bye. xD


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