Knight & Day

So this afternoon, I went to watch Knight & Day with my two cousins and a couple of friends.

Actually, I've heard a lot of bad comments about it.. Ramai urang keborengan.. :[ But there were some good reviews as well so malas tia ku ingau...

Liat saja sendiri... Inda ja? lol (for those who haven't watched the movie, please stop reading cause there are going to be spoilers)

I actually LOVED the movie. It's really, really funny.

Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz work well together and I just love their characters.

I think that, in the theatre today, only Irah, my friend and I were lmao-ing the whole time.

There were just too many funny parts. Like when Cameron's character, June, got high on some truth serum.

I loved the part where Roy (Tom, duh) was counting to three and June just panicked and got out of their cover too early and when Roy called her name and she started shooting everywhere :D

Loved when Roy landed on top of the car while she was driving from the backseat. And when Roy followed her everywhere to keep her safe. Oh, I LOVE the fact that he did everything to make sure June got home safely.

I LOVE TOM CRUISE! HAHAHA! He's so cute man.. I don't care how old he is. He's funny and cute and awesome. I love when he drugged Cameron and held her in his arms. Wow. *drools* I love when all the bad guys thought he was dead and he was standing on the roof of Antonio What's-His-Name looking all hot XD

My favorite, favorite part was this (or something like this. I'm too lazy to check for the actual quote :P):

June: Roy.
Roy: Not now, June. Come on. *rushes off to hide near the entrance*
June: Roy. *whispers*
Roy: Come on, June! *beckons*
June: Roy. You don't seem very happy to see me.
Roy: *pauses, then walks over to June slowly* I'm. Very happy, to see you. *kisses June*

XD Awwwww... OMG. So sweet meh.. lol! Lovin' it!!


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