SMARTER performance

On the 3rd of July, SMARTER is going to have a sort of camp-out for the students.

They're gonna organize a lot of activities for the kids. One of these activities is a performance.

Hand-miming. Pernah jua kamu meliat kali ah yang performance yang nampak tangan ganya atu... The hands act out whatever the story is.

We're doing that. The performance is actually only for the siblings of the students. Inda cukup urang tapinya yatah aku kana suruh ikut. It's actually pretty cool.

They gave us all white gloves and we're performing under purple UV lights. We're gonna wear all black so that the audience can't see us.

We're performing a song. What was the name of the song again? I forgot. Jap ah.. Google dulu :D

Found it! It's The Gift by Jimmy Osmond..

Aww.. Baik jua si Amal atu mencarikan videonya untuk kamu... HAHA macam apa~

Anyway, the performance is nice. Our practice last night was actually pretty good.. Hopefully we'll do just as good without having to look at the mirror...

In addition to the practice, siuk kami bemain di centre ah.. We have to wait until everybody comes before we can start so we take advantage of people's tardiness to play around.

There's this giant trampoline that is like, awesome to play on. And they have this box filled with small balls which is awesome to jump into! And ada macam ayun-ayun which is awesome to play on!!

I'm getting way too excited. Lol.


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