
I was remembering New Moon, or was it Eclipse? Whatever... Anyway, in one of the two, Bella was having an epiphany. And I found myself wondering, what is an epiphany? I have no idea. So I googled it..

The first definition was:

a divine manifestation

I didn't understand what that meant.. So I looked at the next one~

twelve days after Christmas; celebrates the visit of the three wise men to the infant Jesus

Credits to: wordnet.princeton.edu

Obviously not what I was looking for...

The Epiphany is a triptych painted by Hieronymus Bosch around the year 1495. This triptych is also sometimes referred to as "The Adoration of the Magi".

Even more obviously not..

Epiphany is a painting by Hieronymus Bosch. It is currently in the Museum of Art in Philadelphia.

Dude, seriously jangan di pajal...

"Epiphany" is episode 16 of season 2 in the television show Angel.

Wahahhaha lagitah awut!!

Epiphany (Greek for "to manifest" or "to show"), is a Christian feast day which celebrates the "shining forth" or revelation of God in human form in the person of Jesus Christ.


An epiphany is the sudden realization or comprehension of the essence or meaning of something.

Credits to: wikipedia

Ah!! Finally! The last one actually relates hahaha

"An epiphany is the sudden realization or comprehension of the essence or meaning of something."
Barutah lurus~ Now I understand.. Wahwahwahwahwah..

*End of Post*


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