Tagged by my Weewee darling ~_~



*Copy & Paste ALL QUESTIONS!
*Answer ALL questions
*Answers MUST be clear and concise
*Tag at least 5 people to do this!


Who is the most influential person in your life?
My mum. I've always looked up to her. Whenever I reach a fork in the road that is my life, I know I can always turn to her for help. And the great thing is that she doesn't tell me what to do. Rather, she helps to point me in the right direction so that I can make my own decisions. She always accepts that what I choose to do is what I want and she doesn't try to convince me otherwise. There is not enough words to describe how much she means to me. (Oh great. Now I feel like crying >_<')

Who is the one person you can really trust?
Um, I'm not sure. I wish I can say Syakirah but she can be very untrustable. I think I said that before but I don't remember... I don't know eh.. I don't wanna say myself because sometimes I don't trust myself either... Lol... Aish.. Don't know ee. Ah!! I know! My cuzzies~ Irah, Abel & Frah.. But then again, also Ziqah, Nisa, Tiah, Syidah and Masy and.. Hahahha I trust too many people :D Never mind~~

Who was the first guy/girl who made you cry?
Cannot remember... I think c-Wafi from Primary 1 cause he threw a basketball at me and it hit my eye during PE. Haha but I don't remember if I cried or not.. If not him, c-Muid lah.. My first ex...

Who would you be if you were not an 'A' Level student?
I don't know. Because I always thought like this. First I finish PSR, then PMB, then O'level, then A'level, then uni... So, I have no idea.


What is your biggest fear?
I hate semut pedas. Seriously! I hate, hate, hate them! I would rather face my fear of heights than have even one of them on me. Ugh!! Nightmare tu!!!

What is your most treasured possession?
My little sister is my most treasured possession.. Yes, she's my possession ^_^

What's one of your traits that you want to change?
I wish that I would stop talking bad about people behind their backs~ a.k.a. ngumpat..

Which part of your body is your favourite and why?
My hair... Cause it's like a weapon that I use to annoy my sister by flipping it in her face. Mwahaahahha!!!


Where are you most comfortable?
In my bedroom. It's where I can be myself the most.

Where is your Achilles' heel?
Boys =)

Where do you want to go to get away from your problems?
Karaoke booth at Uni


When did you become aware that you were good-looking?
Hahaha haven't I always been? XP Indalah.. I don't think I'm that good-looking~

When did you realised that you wanted to finish your studies?
What are you talking about? I've always wanted to finish my studies. Yes, I'm geeky that way :)

When are you the happiest?
When I'm with my family or friends while they're being happy

When are you saddest?
When I found out that Nisa's dad won't let her pindah T^T

When is your energy level at its highest?
Um, maybe di sekulah with my friends because I always feel the urge to hop around and walk around in school stalking Chong Chong Ling Ling. Or maybe when I read SuJu fics and the main characters get together or something, then I feel like jumping around all over the furniture :D


How do you mend a broken heart?
I cry by myself and then I find out that the guy that broke my heart is an asshole so I feel better because he's not worth crying and getting my heart broken over...

How do you cope with stress?
Internet is my saviour... Otherwise, I just rant about it..

How do you know that you're in love?
When even after a whole month without seeing him, even after seeing all th things about him that should put me off of him, I still can't forget about him. I still see him in my mind.. I still think about him whenever I listen to slow love songs, which is all the time.

How many bf/gf do you have so far?
4.. The longest is 4 months hahaha

The 5 people that I tag:
Anyone who wants to do it XD


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