Dad was watching the 8 o'clock news on RTB..
There was a short video of PTEK.

Some students ada jua.
I think I saw Ibnu at the Prayer Hall...
I dunno a~

There's around 1200 students there.
I didn't know that..
It doesn't feel like a lot..

That many students but the school is still kind of empty.
At MD, wherever you go, macam ada traffic jam.
But at PTEK, everywhere is smooth sailing.
Except when going in and out of the class since there are so many students at one time.

Hopefully, by the time we get our fixed schedules, it won't seem so empty anymore.

You know, I kinda miss Sir Mirul...
Because he was a great Socio teacher...
The teachers we have now are not bad..
But I think Sir Mirul was better...

I talked to Fiqah because Sir wanted to ask for her number...
She said she really missed him.
She said yesterday, she felt like crying because there were these two female teachers where last year there should have been Sir Mirul...

*so sad*


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