Ok i doN't want u to think that i onLy talk aBoUt bOys so nOw i'm goNna tell you aBouT tHreE of my cousins, frah, irh n nbel. Yes, weird names i know but they're weird people so we're goNna have to forgiVe them.
FirSt of all iS frah. She is 13 yearS old (if i'm nOt mistaken) and will bE in form 3 next year. She's oNe of my best friends. At hoMe,we're pRetTy close. We like to argue aBouT stUpid stUfF. We tease eaCh other a lot. I caN trust her with anythiNg and the best thiNg is that she undErStands. Even if she doesn't, at least she tries. She is so cooL that way.
Irh is 17 and will mOst pRobabLy be in the lower sixth form with me next year. I caN't be toO sure caUse our o'level results haven't coMe ouT yet. AnyWay, she's my best friend at hoMe and at schooL. We're in the same clasS after all. AnywaY, with her i caN talk aBouT anythiNg, hoMe-relateD or schooL-relateD. She's a great friend. Always nice to talk tO. Always there for me. Always reliabLe. You knOw the drill loL
Nbel is 16 and will bE in form 5 next year. She's boy-crazY and lots of fun. Like the typicaL americaN teEnager, she's into clothes and hates schooL. She's into the nOrmal thiNgs teEnagerS are into, listening to music, arguing with her parents, watchiNg tV, anNoying our grandmOther, hangiNg ouT with friends... YoU knOw, stUfF. BuT she's great to hang ouT with and is a goOd friend.
Together, the four of us make a great team. We have the mOst fun when we're all tOgether. We all loOk oUt fOr oNe anOther. When oNe of us cries, the rest of us will bE there for her nO matTer what.
Ok, this is my first time making a blog so i'm sorry if it looks ridiculous ahhaha this blog is not intended for anyone to see.. i'm just making sure that i have a diary that no one, at least no one i know, will see. I hope...
This is pretty cool though. I can make it any way i want. :D
Anyway... from now on, this will my very own personal diary that no one crucial will read. I can write anything i want because the only people who reads this are people who just found it by chance and i wouldn't know who you are wahahahaha!!!!
Ok, whatever... Sorry I'm bored.
Early warning, i sometimes arue with myself. It doesn't solve my problems but i like to write it down because... um... well... i don't know why but i just like too...
Ok I'm done with this post. ok..........
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