Zhenwei Wang, Cougars and Kicks

I watched The Karate Kid on Wednesday.

I mentioned in my last post that I went out with my friends.

That is what we did.. We watched a movie. The Karate Kid..

I hadn't wanted to watch it initially. I kept hearing bad reviews about it..

But it had been the birthday girl's wish so I just went along with it.. Ain't I sweet? XP

Anyway, I so did not regret watching it.. I fell in love with Dre's (the main character) counterpart, Cheng.

Cheng, who's real name is Zhenwei Wang, is so cute. And so hot doing all the kung fu stunts, the kicks and so on..

Fad didn't get it though.. Either it's because she's not that into Chinese people like I am, or she's just biased cause his character was bad in the movie.

He was kinda scary in the competition though.. Kinda like this fighting monster that wouldn't stop until it completely destroyed whatever it was fighting.

But Zhenwei was so hot doing it.. Lol!! I don't care what you say. I know he's like 14 or 15. And I know I'm 19... And I don't care if you call me a cougar for it..

What did Jacob say in the second Twilight Saga? "Age is just a number, baby." HAHA! And I don't know what it is about numbers that turn people off anyway.

Just because a guy is older than you doesn't make him more mature. And just because a guy is younger than you, it doesn't make him less experienced.. You never know, you might be surprised at the great potential you turn down because of his age.

Sorry for the ranting. Was just talking about this with mom this afternoon after watching the iklan for Cougar Town lol...

Anywho, my point is that Zhenwei, regardless of his age and race, is totally cute and was pretty hot when he did the chopping kick. And if he was 19, I'd love him even more. ;D

I miss doing the chopping kick. I took tae kwon do lessons when I was in Form 3 with my cousins. My kick wasn't perfect but I could definitely kick higher then compared to know. I could even almost do the split.. Instead, just last year, I sent my sensei, or senpai or whatever lol, flying during one of our karate sessions. *sigh* Miss the old days.


  1. Miss LL said...
    serious mal. kau nda ingat kevin yg aku ckp kan atu kah? hmmmm hahahaha we used to drool on him a lot hahaha. be 1. check ur magazine. fyi. aku jumpa ia last 2 nights d mall bah thats why i suddenly brought it up52
    Amalina Fitri said...
    hahahahaha I knowww rightttt xp

    bukan aku inda ingat sayangku... I just wasn't sure who you were talking about.. udah ko cakap be1 atu ingat tia ku...

    cana bleh ko jumpa ia atu??? jelessssssssssssssssssssssssssss TTTTTTTTT_______________TTTTTTTTT
    Miss LL said...
    hahaha no need to be so jealous meh!! he was with his girlfriend. hahahaha nada lawa pun. kesian ia hafta carry the girl punya handbag. i find it errr nda umm.. hahaha idk how to describe it. turn off ku tarus =p hahaha
    Miss LL said...
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    Amalina Fitri said...
    ia wa? T_T' aku jeles jua masehhhh.. hahahahhaha macam semua urang nampak ia kecuali aku kan =.=" boo!!! aku mau! hahaha!

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