Adam's birthday celebration..

FINALLY I get to post these particular piccies.

Here's the nyummy nyummy cake

They had trouble getting Adam to even look at the cake.
Hafidz videoing everything.

Ana gets to celebrate her birthday too!!!
Happy belated birthday Ana ~_~

After that, we all went outside for the 'Lucky Draw' that we have for almost every FUN occasion

The kids on the mini bouncer

The family

Some of the lucky draw prizes. I think those are keychains or something

I don't know where this mess came from

Iying and some of the boys let off fireworks =p

Irah & I worked hard to help the 'Lucky Draw'. I was in charge of writing down everyone's names.

Anas & Syafiq doing what they do best.. Things that normal people like us will never understand ~_~

Take a piccy of me, ne Anas-chan?

Icha got a prize for playing 'Stop Dance'

Birthday boy on the bouncer

Icha wants to get on the motorcycle (which is the source of the light) with Tua
Okay, that's all for tonight. I'm tired.
Oh! By the way, I almost forgot.. Here's a fanficcy that got dedicated to me! :D So totally unexpected!! It's titled Black Butterflies of Death and the sequel is Death God Apprentice. They're both AWESOME! I'm hoping that there's another sequel coming up!!


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