
Life. Awesome thing, isn't it?

The board game, The Game of Life, I mean.. Not life in general... :D

We were playing it tonight.. My two sisters, my two cousins, and me. All girls.

My older sister and one of my cousins decided to change their habits and went straight to work while I decided, for once, to go to school...

My sister got twins and a boy, my cousin got twins and a girl, and then she decided to adopt MORE twins. Crazy~ =.=" I mean, she was ACTIVE! And when her "active-ness" didn't help her to produce more offspring, she decided to adopt!! Crrraaaazy~

My little sister, as usual, played a gay couple. I played a lesbian couple. Wanna know why? Cause my crazy cousin made me gay by having so many kids -.-' Not that I hate kids. I LOVE kids. I want kids. And the fact is, I probably got jealous LOL! I ended up with no kids whatsoever, but I did somehow manage to get a granddaughter... Weird O_O

My sister, the older one, got a grandchild as well... She thinks my cousin's daughter screwed around with her son.. That's right.. It wasn't her son screwing around with the girl... It was the other way around.. Hahaha oh well~~~

Oh, she was an entertainer at first, and my cousin was an athlete. But then, my cousin got fired as an athlete and became a salesperson.. I think she might've broken her leg or something, that's why. Later, my sister lost her job as an entertainer, probably cause she wasn't very entertaining =P so she ended up being an athlete! How ironic is life~

We invested around a little, and when my other cousin, who wasn't playing, spun the Wheel of Life, she didn't land any of us any money and we're like, oh come on!! So she spun again, and I won!! And I got $50, 000... Awesome, right??

So, wouldn't you guys like to know who is my cousin who went crazy with the kids and made me all jealous? I'll tell you later... I'm sure most of you guys know her... :P That was a really big clue already, by the way.

Oh, we all sued each other... That was fun.. Well, I only got to sue once, and I sued my cousin with all the kids cause she had a lot of kids and she had just finished unsuccessfully suing me. Nice, right? Mwahahhaha~

Oh, I totally landed the jackpot.. I found hidden treasure or something worth $500,000!!! That was cool...

My sister was the first to retire and she, very wisely, chose to go to the safehouse, wherever that was, to keep her assets safe. My other cousin, who played but I didn't mention much about, went to live in the Mansion and add to her assets BUT she shouldn't have. My younger sister and I stole her assets cause they weren't safe. ;)

Anyway, my younger sister and my cousin with the kids both bought a lakeside cabin.. Not sure why. They also bought a sailboat each to go with it.. Crazy, right? I'm pretty sure it was their kids fooling around with their money. So HA! You guys shouldn't have had so many kids in the first place -.-'

Okay, I'll stop being bitter about it lol~ I mean, it's not like i didn't try, right?? I even went down the Family Path.. Nothing worked.. Oh well... I guess it just wasn't my fate this time.

On a brighter note, I won!! =P With $640, 000... Awesome~ And my unmentioned cousin lost with absolutely nothing, no money, no debts. Oh well, sorry cuz..

Oh, before I forget, the cousin with all the kids? Si Irah, or Dirah as most of you know her... Wahahahaha~ I sued you cousin!! And nobody believed you when you said I was rich.. To their peril!!! Mwahahahhaha!



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