Why is it so hard to study?

I don't really like to study. I don't really like doing homework. But I want to study. I need to study in order to not fail... I want to study because I don't wanna fail...

I usually need to want to study in order to be able to study at all... So obviously being shouted at by my mum to go study won't work because I'll feel like I'm being forced to study so no matter how many times I read the one sentence on the one page the book is open to, I won't remember it.. So, that's one reason why I can't study.

Reason 1: I have to want to study.

Okay, I have to want to study. That's a bit hard considering I don't LIKE studying. Well, let's look at studying from another angle. Why do I always study last-minute?

Well, from what I can tell, I work best under pressure. Last-minute is definitely a factor for pressure. When I study earlier, there's no guarantee I'm gonna remember what I study. In fact, there is only a 20% chance that I'll remember... Not unless I'm studying with some spirit.. Which is difficult to do...

I remember before my PMB exam, I was studying Geography in the living room and Syakirah came to bother me. Okay, she didn't come to bother me but she bothered me all the same. So I decided to roleplay as a teacher and I taught her about the core and magma and whatnot.. It was fun and she actually got pretty interested.. She even referred to the lesson loads of time after that.. Asking me again about the core and all... So I ended up remembering that a lot..

But A'level isn't like PMB or even O'level... For PMB, all I had to do was remember facts. A'level is a different story altogether... It's essays, essays and more essays. It's reading, analysing and putting together points to make an essay. It's structuring essays, using linking sentences, putting incoherent thoughts into proper words. It's not just memorizing. It's thinking as well...

You know what I think? Brunei has got her education system all wrong. We're being pampered by the government.. From primary school to secondary school, all we have to do is memorize things. We should be learning to think from an early age, not to memorize.

I think the best subjects to study are Mathematics and the Science subjects because you don't really have to think. Everything is fixed, constant.. All you have to is remember formulaes, rules and theories. The law of gravity and whatnot..

Art is also a great subject as long as you've been doing it since primary school and actually enjoyed it and tried to get it right, unlike some people I know (a.k.a me).

However, english subjects are not so awesome. English is only to ensure you can speak and write in English.. For English Literature, most schools only offer it in the fourth form. You only start writing essays for History in the Lower Six... As for Sociology, I've never encountered a subject like that before so how am I supposed to know what I signed up for when I was registering for it?? And they expect us to know what we're doing? Yes, in other countries, students are expected to write theses and whatnot already at our age. But why compare us to kids who have learnt that kind of stuff way earlier than we did?? Is it really our fault that we have never faced this kind of thing before?

I'm still not sure how to write a really good essay. I'm talking about the structure basically. Obviously the content would depend on the question.. Like, how do I really know how to write a good essay to answer a source-based question if I've only done it once before and only seen one example of an essay?

For our History exam, there are three hours to answer four questions. I can barely finish my Lit essay in one hour and I'm expected to finish FOUR History essays in THREE hours? What is this? Hell?..

Ugh.. I got way off topic now and I don't really feel great due to certain conditions exclusive to the female species.


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