Forever Is Not Forever

I wonder... When someone says they love you forever, do they really mean it? Do they really imagine that they're gonna love you forever? Ataupun salah satu ayat yang automatic? Like, it's part of the script and it's just one way to woo someone.

Aiyoo.. I completely forgot what else I was gonna add to this.. -.-' Never mind~

I visited Baz's blog last night and saw the picture she took of me, Tiah & Jiqah. Hahahha... So not the way I usually take my pictures.. Lol.. I mean the pose.. I look so weird!! XD Well, no.. Not weird exactly.. Aku inda pernah begambar pakai pose cematu bah.. And I never thought that I would.. Anyway, Baz typed in our names using a big font.. I have no idea why. I mean, I know I have an awesome name. Hahha..

Okay.. Bah atu saja... :)


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