Haven't had the time to post... I only started doing my holiday homework on Saturday and, until now, it's still not done... :P Hahah.. I know.. What have I been doing during the holiday? Lol...

Anyway, yesterday was the first day of school and it was great, which is saying something, considering it's school... I had PS first period! Haha.. Just got to school and already I get to NOT study for an hour... So Jiqah and I went to the canteen. While we were buying our food, CCLL came! Haven't seen him in two weeks and then I saw him in the first hour of the first day of school... XD Heaven moment!! He went to the mirror area on the side of the canteen building. We went to sit at the table in the same row as him. Umm.. How do I explain that..


So every once in a while, I would look to my left... Lol.. So kawaii man!!

After that was EAS. Miss Nurul decided not to do anything heavy so we did some "fill in the blank" questions on borrowed words.. You know.. Words like carte blanche, alfresco and incognito...

After that was Lit class.. Apparently we were supposed to do the poems for the Berambang Island trip. Which reminds me... We got put into the Borneo Bulletin! Here's the article:

A whole page dedicated to our trip...

Awesome!! :)

The title.. Inspirational?

Yea right... XP

Everyone that went on the trip..

Well maybe not everyone... If smua urg, then who's taking the picture??? :D

Sheila, Nisa & me.. Iyah...

Dpan2 kmi a.. haha :P

In the purple box, it says "Ms. Salwa" hahaha... Dmit bh..

Pa kn ni cmni ani... Ksian tcher nyubuk dri blkg cRusydi ya.. Hahha...

Mr. Holland

Arif 2...

His pic was one of the few that can actually be recognizable (a little) when you enlarge it... XD

This is the view that we saw.. It's beautiful but seriously.. I don't think it was worth the climb...

Sorry teacher...

I know it's really not clear but that's water coming down from the mountain on a bamboo shoot...

We were so tired that it tasted so nyummy... If water could taste nyummy that is... It was really refreshing.. Especially after we climbed down the mountain..

One of the main transport system on the island was motorcycles... Pretty cool...

Reminded me of when we went to Indonesia two years ago and motorcycles were like everywhere, carrying whole families and stuff...

Oh and there's Ms. Salwa and Mr. Holland too... =D

Some of the local kids... Notice that the car does not have a license plate... :P

The ad that shared the page with our article... :D Mana tau kamu kan membali kan...



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