Cultural Night at MD

On the 25th of November, we have something called a Cultural Night.. I have no idea what it is actually. All I know is, the traditional dance performance is a must.. Maybe because it's like the most cultural club we have that's to do with Bruneian culture? Hahhaha awu2kan saja cia.

So we started practising last week. Rina designed the first part of the choreography and our trainer helped finish it today. There are two parts to our performance. The first part is what we call Jipin(sp?). The second part consists of the various dances of the puaks ahah inda ku tau pa englishnya. I'm participating in the first part..

For Jipin, we start off using several different uhh.. equipment kah?? Hahha alat lah.. Tiah and I are using the selendang along with Rina. We come on and off the stage according to our turns obviously. And then all the girls (who are doing the Jipin dance) come up front and do our part.. And then Tiah and Mala go out and the boys enter and it becomes a paired dance. I know! Like, OMG! Aku inda pandai kali ah yang bepairing. Tarus2 kana suruh buat.. T^T Bangang jua I tu... I mean, it's not too hard.. Just.. It's different from when we're doing it NOT paired up.. Teacher inda pernah ajar kami pun!! :'( Haha stres aku ah.. At least I didn't get c-KA or c-L... Too much heat hahaha~

The second part, the puak2 dance. Irah is taking part in one of them. Or all of them. I don't really get the system but whatever... The boys' part is awesome! Lol... Well, it's actually hard but we had fun following their steps at the back. >_<

So... Cultural Night.. It was supposed to be on the 29th but most of us are transferring on that date so they moved it to the 25th.. I really don't wanna mess it up.. If I'm confirmed to be transferred, I wanna do at least ONE performance. I mean, I didn't learn all those hard steps and stayed back until 4.30 sweating for nothing! So I really can't mess this up.. This is probably my last ever traditional dance performance.

I love traditional dance. I'm not good but I enjoy it.. Which is what's most important, right?? So having to quit.. It sucks. Hmm... Think my mum will let me join the one arah pusat belia dan sukan?? :P


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