A note? For me?

I didn't see History guy today. He wasn't in school Tuesday or Wednesday. So who gave me the note?

<<The Note

What happened exactly? Okay, let's review from the beginning i.e. Monday.

We were going to the canteen during lunch; Irah, Tiah, Nisa, Ziqah and I... Irah and I were in front while the others lagged behind.. Then History guy and his two friends were just coming from the dining hall, which is right next door to the canteen.. I pretended to be enaged in conversation with Irah lol... Damn, he was so cute. And then we passed him. Not even two minutes had passed, we heard the girls behind us being loud.. At first, I dismissed it as them making fun of my reaction to seeing History guy. But when they came closer, they told me what happened..

Apparently, when Irah and I had passed him, there was still a lot of space between us and the other girls so they could still see him. You know what?? Apparently (yeah I like to use that word lol), he looked behind him. At ME! Unbelievable. But believe it.. I have no choice but to believe it.. Because I asked all three girls individually if it was true. And obviously they all said yes.

This made Ziqah even more determined to ensure that I gave him the letter... However, I didn't think to bring the letter that day. So that was impossible.

Tuesday and Wednesday found Ziqah absent on sick leave. So I was on my own.. But since History guy was also absent up til today, there was little point in me bringing the letter...

So today, 10 minutes before my History class started, I was already outside the classroom as usual... Hoping he'd be there. But I didn't check to see if he was there. I decided to just wait until they left to find out.. He wasn't there. Only two guys were present in his class. An since I was watching to see if he was there, I focused on looking at the guys so there was no way for me not to notice one of the guys looking in our direction.. Although I'm pretty sure I was the only one who noticed cause no one else was paying attention..

So I entered the class and I see a piece of paper on my desk but it didn't really register in my brain.. My only thought at that second was, "Oh, paper..." And then I got to my desk and I'm like, "Oh, paper on MY desk~" And THEN I saw the first line, the "GOOD LUCK >_<" And I'm like, "Hey, what's this?" And I read it and then this goes through my mind, "History guy, History guy, History guy" before I remembered that he was absent lol...

Yeah, my brain works kinda slow.

So I'm thinking, whoever left that note must've been kinda NOT smart.. Cause he (assuming it's a he) didn't leave a clue as to who it is, and no, "ME" is not a clue, and he also didn't give an indication as to who the note was for... So it might've been for me, it might've been for someone else using the class, which would be stupid since obviously I'd be the one to get it, or it could be someone already read it and had just left it there for the next person to pick it up..

So yeah.. I don't know if it really was aimed for me. It's killing me cause I need to know.

I forgot what else I was gonna say :\

Oh yeah.. Ziqah and Firah are saying that probably History guy had his friends place it there for him. Possibly. Doubtful... Unlikely~

It was his last day. If it really was him, why didn't he leave a clue as to his identity? I mean, why not right?? It's his LAST f****** day after all... If he ends up embarrassing himself, well, why not?? We wouldn't be seeing each other anymore ANYWAY!


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