
I wanna be a writer... You can express yourself, how you feel, what you're thinking, what you're experiencing, what you see and hear and loads more if you're a good writer... Aku mau cematu...

I wanna write meaningful things. Sometimes I Google certain things and these blog posts or whatever pops up.. Aku baca and I go, wow. People actually think like this and they're so good at expressing themselves.

Maybe it's because basically nothing has happened in my life that actually really means something to me so I end up writing crappy details of my life like some kind of gossip columnist in the newspaper... Other than people who actually know me, sapa jua yang peduli apa jadi dalam hidupku?.. It's not like it affects them in any way.

I wanna write something that actually really means something to me. And not just to me, tapi arah urang lain jua.

Once, I was searching for something for school (aku lupa apa) and I found this blog. The writer was saying these beautiful things about how a book (again, i forget what book although I've read it already) made her think about her relationship with her mother and her grandmother... It wasn't really anything special... But the way she expressed herself... How she let her readers feel her gratitude for having such a close relationship with her mother and grandmother... Wow~ It made me thin about my own relationship with my mother and grandmother... Both grandmothers. And I can't help but envy her... Not only did she have an awesome skill in expressing herself, she had such a great relationship with her mother and grandmother... Both of which I don't have. Not so much anyway. I really can't compare to her... I don't know if she writes the same way in her other writings but I'm awed..


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