and I tag:
1. Bajilah
2. Wee-wee
3. Er-er
4. Aidah
5. Mas
6. My twin
7. Manager
8. Fish
9. Leq-leq

How you know 1?
From Sayyidina Hasan

What would you do if you never met 2?

Life would be a little less interesting, definitely

What would you do if 3&4 dated you?

hahaha no thanks!

Would 5 & 6 make a good couple?

um no... that would be kinda weird XD

do you think 7 is attractive?

i guess so haha i never thought of her in that way :)

Do you know anything about 8's family?

a little bit..

Tell me something about 9.

He's my monkey friend ~_~

What language does 2 speak?

Malay of course

Who is 3 going out with?

She's single. Anyone interested? ahha

how old is 4?

older than me, that's for sure :D


also dunno bh..

Who is 6's favourite singer?
i dunno leh.. ask her yourself =.="

Is 8 single?
i have no idea O_O

What is 9 last name?

I forgot..

Would you consider being in a relationship with 1?

hahaha seriously dude, not my type :)

Which school does 2 go to?


What do you like about 3?
I can usually count on her for anything :P

yeah ok~


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