Another untypical schoolday

Literature was kinda fun today.
Mr Naeem was being odd..
Tapi macam andang ya cematu kali so inda apalah..
He was explaining about how people in literature look at books deeply.
He used art as an example.
Asked me & Tiah to stand up and pretend we're considering a piece of art..
I couldn't stop laughing til I had tears in my eyes.

Then I had EAS also with Mr Naeem.
Since we didn't have any whiteboard dusters, he had to ask for someone's tissue paper...
Masa E.Lit, Wee-wee ada tissue bisai untuk ia.
But in EAS, I'm the only one with tissue.
It didn't work so well...
Mr Naeem said it was low-quality tissue lol!!!

After break was History but we didn't have class.
Mrs. Izan said she'd prefer to teach everyone at once rather than teach all 6 classes individually.
Guess what??
Hot Stuff ada dalam klas atu jua!
Awesome, right??
Hahaha so was Mu...
Turns out she thinks he's hot too...
As soon as everyone left save us, Tiah and another girl from my AE, she started getting all excited about talking to him for a second hahaha~
Turned out that the other girl could be a friend of his.

Next was my PS.
Tiah and I went to the library and met Ziqah there.
Kami liat Dangerous Love dengan c-Mas arah kawannya punya laptop..
Junsu is so adorable!
I never took Mas to be the type that likes Kpop hahaha~
But of course, I don't blame her ;p
I got a feeling she thinks Hot Stuff is hot stuff too =D

During lunch, Sir Mirul came to get some copies of my essay and Fiqah's Socio file.
Some of his students came over and tried to get him to stay.
They failed, unfortunately.
Ia suruh kami yang pindah ke MD..
Yeah, that's gonna work.

Later, Ziqah joined the side of evil and teased me at the top floor with Tiah..
Jahat kamu!!!
I thought you guys were my friends! *sob*

We went to Socio class early and played Speed using Mu's cards.
Kalah c-Mu uleh ku!!! *keluar tanduk*

Socio boring tadi...
Miss Sarina is okay~
But I miss Sir Mirul!!!
No offence to her...
I know it's her first time teaching Upper Six...
This is crap, man..

History was okay.
Tcher Izan is really hoping for another teacher to come along and take off the workload..
Kesian.. :\

Anyway, started reading Eclipse today!
You know, the third book of the Twilight series.
It's okay lah so far...
Yang calinya aku inda berapa minat ceritanya.
But I can't stop reading it..
And I actually enjoyed the movie.
But th truth is, I'm not really all that crazy about it..
Weird kan??

*End of Post*


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